Saturday 13 June 2015

The paradox

She was lying there, impassively. The silence took her breathe away, she just couldn't move a finger. Everything around her seemed new before her sparkling beautiful angelic eyes that not even words could describe. Unfortunately, only you could see her. She couldn't lift those beautiful dark brown eyes. Was she dead?

Am I lost? Am I kidnapped? Who the hell brought me here? All these questions made her muddled. Actually, was she demented? Only her and God would tell us what was wrong with her but unfortunately non of them was reachable at the moment. She was in her own world. Neither you nor I would reach her. Her memory was gone, not even a single thing about yesterday and all the other days that had passed could ring in her mind.

Then time flew. Around 6 pm-three hours later-in her world,  darkness had cropped in. Total darkness. Have I become blind? That was the first thing that broke into her mind. She couldn't see East, West, North nor South. Fortunately she had regained strength. She woke up, stood on her feet and stretched out her hands as if looking for something. She couldn't find anything. Hardly had she made her first step than she heard "Bang!" This came from a distance though she couldn't tell the direction since it came out with some echo. Only if she knew...

She remained still her heart racing like a runaway train, going faster and faster. She could hear the tympanic rhythm of the captor's boots as they stomped against the hard ground. Out of curiosity she headed towards the direction of the sound. To her surprise, this place was illuminated though she couldn't see the light source. She kept on looking only to find a small mouse busy eating some rotten cassava. Were the footsteps and the loud bang all in her imaginations?
All her searching having been in vain, she decided to take her steps back to where she was. This place seemed as an exit from her world but feeling that she had left something important, she had to go back. To the dark end. No sooner had she made an about turn than she had a grasp at her waist and another one at her neck. Her breathing was difficult and she couldn't tell who this was since the person had come from behind. Lucky enough she had now regained her real conscious.

Life gives us so many reasons to smile, laugh, cry, be jealous, be confused and many other things but how do we handle all these? Do you just give up when you find yourself in a difficult situation? And if you decide to deal with it, do you consider all the challenges that you may encounter in the process? And if you succeed to move out of the situation, do you still consider going back to check on what you left undone or helping those that are in the same situation as you were. Referring to the Bible, God only helps those that help themselves. It also says that one who doesn't work should not eat.

They say life is difficult, but I say life is not difficult, it only depends with the angle that you take in dealing with the different situations you find yourself in. Life is a journey not a walking one but a running one. It is a very long journey that when you just decide to walk never will you reach your destination with your goals achieved. People will always be passing you on the way as they move on and on. You should never risk resting on the way because you'll never know whether you are at a safe place to do so. You could rest next to a forest with these strange animals that have not come across food for months, that will definitely be your destination. It's not actually a threat but those are some of the challenges that are to be encountered in this journey.

We should always keep in mind that everything that happens in this world always has a reason behind it. You working in a bank and I am working in a bar, that brings no difference at all. You'll always come to the bar to refresh yourself and I'll always be coming to the bank to save my money. No one is at the wrong place. And for this reason, every morning you always have two choices; to continue sleeping with your dreams or to wake up and chase them.


  1. Good mixture of narration and motivation. I feel a bit stronger than i was before reading this. Keep up.

  2. Thank muya. Expect more than that

  3. its a two way road either left or ryt.Think twice b4 u conclude n let ua God intervene.
    al hv this as my breakfast always
